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Tis the Season to Make Sustainable Choices

by Life Water |

The festive season is meant to be ‘the most wonderful time of the year’, so while we treat ourselves and our families, let’s also consider the health of our planet. Unwrapping presents and indulging in delectable roast dinners are some of our best memories across the holiday season, but we are also aware of the monumental amount of waste produced by these festivities. This year, let’s change that, read below to find out how small changes can make a big difference to our world and how we can still enjoy the festive season, without hurting our planet!

Rent a Christmas Tree

If you like the smell of pine to fumigate your home during the month of December, but you don’t want yet another tree to be cut down… not to worry, we’ve got you covered. Consider renting a potted pine tree that can be replanted when the festive season is over. This will reduce your carbon footprint and your tree will live to see another (holi)day!

Don’t Overbuy

We know surprises are exciting, but the worst surprise is receiving a gift that you will never use! Instead of buying unnecessary gifts, ask all of your family and friends exactly what they need, to ensure what you buy will NOT end up in landfill. Teaming up with other family members to purchase a higher quality item is one great way to solve the issue of overbuying.

Reconsider Your Decorations

What is the festive season without a house covered in energy sucking lights? They do look amazing, but we need to consider the environmental impact of these decorations, especially if they’re not on a timer. To save energy, switch to LED lights and try only switching your lights on for a short period in the evening when they can be enjoyed! After all, this is when they look the best!

Throw on Your Cosiest Outfits

Instead of cranking the heating all the way up this December, throw on your cosiest pajamas and wooly socks to save energy. For every degree that you turn your heating down, you are reducing the emissions that cause climate change.

Ditch Unrecyclable Materials

From gift giving to decorations to the Christmas meal, there are so many ways you can ditch single-use or unrecyclable materials this festive season. When choosing wrapping paper and card, avoid anything with glitter or foil because this cannot be recycled.

To hydrate your guests sustainably this year, canned water is the perfect option! This year, you can buy canned water via our website; we sell in packs of 24 x 330 ml for just £17.99. Our still canned water is 100% locally sourced spring water, made by nature right outside your backdoor. Our packaging is 100% free of single-use plastic, so we’re a true plastic-free alternative.

Think About Contributing to a Good Cause

At the end of the day, the holiday season is the time of giving, so consider giving to a cause you are passionate about. Our partner charity, Drop4Drop, provides clean water solutions to communities in need across the globe, paving the way for a brighter future. A donation as little as £3, can provide clean water to someone this Christmas time!